Our Firm
The Law Office of Aaron M. Smith is a small legal practice located on the west side of Lake Union. Our goal is to help individuals, businesses and communities make some type of change in their world for the better. You provide the problem - we provide the know-how to get to the best solution for you. Dealing with legal issues can be stressful. Let us help. Give us a call or send us an email.
RT @SDonziger: BREAKING: The @EPA claim that water in Ohio is "safe" to drink is based on only a few tainted lab samples funded by… https://t.co/s8CGV10vun
RT @byKateSmith: Sorry to be controversial, but maybe everyone frantically refreshing a website to figure out what rights they still… https://t.co/e9zVx38gl5
RT @frontandcenterd: The Growth Management Act requires many WA counties & the cities in them to create plans to manage long-term popula… https://t.co/3FQVFc0ZlA